
 App Gallery

UI | UX | User Research

A white label health care platform where patients and providers can find apps to support medical needs


Build an app ecosystem easily with appSphere

appSphere is an integrated productivity suite built into Smile CDR that simplifies user and identity management workflows and auditing for third-party SMART on FHIR apps (SMART on FHIR is is a set of open specifications to integrate apps with EHRs and other healthcare IT systems).

The appSphere Suite — 3 integrated, white-label components: 

  1. App Gallery for consumers

  2. Developer Portal for third-party developers

  3. Admin Console for Smile CDR admins


App Gallery User Flows

This demonstrates the user flow of the customer facing App Gallery


App Gallery

the white label product before


Homepage design with Smile CDR branding

Mobile version of the home page, featuring the pop up search bar.


Homepage in EHR


Product Page

Product page (left)
Search bar pop up (right)